2024 MS Theses by Author
Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Please see abstracts for all citations/formats related to each thesis.

ÇEKIRGE, Nabi Efe CMU-CS-24-162

CHANANA, Aditya CMU-CS-24-158

CHEN, Hanyu CMU-CS-24-102

CHEN, Lawrence CMU-CS-24-140

CHOPRA, Saransh CMU-CS-24-144

DHAMANKAR, Mihir CMU-CS-24-114

GUPTA, Ankit CMU-CS-24-155

HSIEH, Jhih-Yi CMU-CS-24-112

HU, Mirabel CMU-CS-24-119

KIM, Tae Hoon CMU-CS-24-161

KOTHA, Suhas CMU-CS-24-121

LEONG, Trevor CMU-CS-24-138

LI, Xin Yue Amanda CMU-CS-24-156

MA, Cheng Charles CMU-CS-24-105

PALAVALLI, Medha CMU-CS-24-111

PRADEEP, Prakruthi CMU-CS-24-157

RAJE, Arian CMU-CS-24-123

SEO, William CMU-CS-24-134

YOOVIDHYA, Piratach CMU-CS-24-143

ZHANG, Brian E. CMU-CS-24-113

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