CMU-CS-23-116 Computer Science Department School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Designing and Analyzing Machine Learning Hanrui Zhang Ph.D. Thesis July 2023
Machine learning algorithms now play a major role in all kinds of decision-making scenarios, such as college admissions, credit approval, and resume screening. When the stakes are high, self-interested agents – about whom decisions are being made – are increasingly tempted to manipulate the machine learning algorithm, in order to better fulfill their own goals, which are generally different from the decision maker's. The fact that many machine learning algorithms can be manipulated also raises a fairness concern, since algorithms that are manipulable tend to be manipulated most effectively by those who have more resources and who are already entrenched in the system. All this highlights the importance of making machine learning algorithms robust against manipulation. The main focus of this dissertation is on designing and analyzing machine learning algorithms that are robust against strategic manipulation, which is different from the relatively well-studied notion of adversarial robustness. This dissertation sets the foundations for several key problems in machine learning in the presence of strategic behavior:
201 pages
Thesis Committee:
Srinivasan Seshan, Head, Computer Science Department
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