Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
A Scalable Solution to the Multi-Resource QoS Problem
Chen Lee, John Lehoczky, Dan Siewiorek,
Ragunathan Rajkumar and Jeff Hansen
May 1999
Keywords: QoS management and optimization, QoS index and utility
model, QoS tradeoff, resource tradeoff, QoS based resource allocation,
multi-media, scalability
The problem of maximizing system utility by allocating a single
finite resource to satisfy discrete Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of
multiple applications along multiple QoS dimensions was studied in
[6]. In this paper, we consider the more complex problem of
apportioning multiple finite resources to satisfy the QoS needs
of multiple applications along multiple QoS dimensions. In other
words, each application, such as video-conferencing, needs multiple
resources to satisfy its QoS requirements. We evaluate and compare
three strategies to solve this provably NP-hard problem. We show that
dynamic programming and mixed integer programming compute optimal
solutions to this problem but exhibits very high running times. We then
adapt the mixed integer programming problem to yield near-optimal
results with smaller running times. Finally, we present an
approximation algorithm based on a local search technique that
is less than 5% away from the optimal solution but which is more than
two orders of magnitude faster. Perhaps more significantly, the local
search technique turns out to be very scalable and robust as the
number of resources required by each application increases.
23 pages