% cmu-titlepage.sty created 2 November 1989 R. Harper and D. Long % substyle for use with standard LaTeX article or report document styles % adapted from titlepage.sty % % cmu-titlepage2.sty by Håkan Younes, Fall 2004: % - Removed DARPA funding clutter. Just use generic \support command. % - Forced abstract to always be on the third page so that Catherine Copetas % does not have to edit PDF files. % - Adjusted position of title/author box (required by recent versions of % LaTeX to get the box at the same location as the cutout of the CMU tech % report cover. % - Added support for PhD theses: \committee, \dedication, and % \acknowledgments commands % % Example usage for tech reports, with 11pt times, fullpage, and caption2: % % \documentclass[11pt,leqno]{article} % \usepackage{cmu-titlepage2} % \usepackage{fullpage} % \usepackage[small,bf]{caption2} % \usepackage{times} % \usepackage{helvet} % \usepackage{courier} % ... % \title{The Gentrification of Wean Hall: Preliminary Study} % \author{Harry Q. Bovik} % \date{January 1978} % \trnumber{CMU-CS-78-100} % \keywords{Gentrification, poverty} % \support{The taxpayers.} % \abstract{We examine...} % ... % \begin{document} % \maketitle % ... % \end{document} % % Example usage for theses, with 11pt times, fullpage, and caption2: % % \documentclass[11pt,leqno]{book} % \usepackage[thesis]{cmu-titlepage2} % \usepackage[headings]{fullpage} % \usepackage[small,bf]{caption2} % \usepackage{times} % \usepackage{helvet} % \usepackage{courier} % ... % \title{The Gentrification of Wean Hall} % \author{Harry Q. Bovik} % \date{June 1978} % \trnumber{CMU-CS-78-117} % \committee{Herbert A. Simon, chair\\ % Allen Newell\\ % Alan J. Perlis\\ % Gunnar Myrdal, Stockholm University} % \copyrightnotice{\copyright\ 1978 Harry Bovik} % \keywords{Gentrification, poverty} % \support{The taxpayers.} % \abstract{We examine...} % \dedication{For my parents} % \acknowledgments{Numerous people have...} % ... % \begin{document} % \frontmatter % \maketitle % \tableofcontents % \listoffigures % \listoftables % \mainmatter % ... % \appendix % ... % \backmatter % ... % \end{document} \ProvidesPackage{cmu-titlepage2} \usepackage{ifthen} \newif\ifCMUTP@thesis \DeclareOption{report}{\CMUTP@thesisfalse} \DeclareOption{thesis}{\CMUTP@thesistrue} \ExecuteOptions{report} \ProcessOptions* \def\title#1{\gdef\@title{#1}} \def\author#1{\gdef\@author{#1}} \ifCMUTP@thesis \def\committee#1{\gdef\@committee{#1}} \def\dedication#1{\gdef\@dedication{#1}} \def\acknowledgments#1{\gdef\@acknowledgments{#1}} \fi % the following is adapted from latex.tex to flag multiple authors \def\and{%% % \begin{tabular} \gdef\@multipleauthors{}% \end{tabular}\hskip 1em plus .17fil\begin{tabular}[t]{c}%% \end{tabular} } \def\date#1{\gdef\@date{#1}} \gdef\@date{\today} % default is today's date % keywords \def\keywords#1{\gdef\@keywords{#1}} % technical report number \def\trnumber#1{\gdef\@trnumber{#1}} \gdef\@trnumber{CMU-CS-??-???} % declaring citation information sets up formatting too \def\citationinfo#1{\gdef\@citationinfo{\vskip 2em\begin{quote}{\small #1}\end{quote}\par}} \gdef\@citationinfo{} % declaring copyright information sets up formatting too \def\copyrightnotice#1{\gdef\@copyrightnotice{\vfill\begin{center}{\small #1}\end{center}\par}} \gdef\@copyrightnotice{} % unmarked footnote \long\def\unmarkedfootnote#1{{\xdef\@thefnmark{}\@footnotetext {\ifcase\@ptsize\small\else\relax\fi#1}}} % Must be a certain size to be readable after copying % support acknowledgement, defaults to empty \def\support#1{\begingroup\def\protect{\noexpand\protect\noexpand}\xdef\@support{\@support\protect\unmarkedfootnote{#1}}\endgroup} \gdef\@support{} % these just store away the arguments for later consideration \def\othersupport#1{\gdef\@othersupport{#1}} \def\authorsupport#1{\gdef\@authorsupport{#1}} \let\@authorsupport=\relax % generate ``author'' or ``authors,'' depending on the number of % authors \def\authororauthors{\@ifundefined{@multipleauthors}{author}{authors}} % disclaimer information may be omitted, defaults to the standard % disclaimer \def\disclaimer#1{\begingroup\def\protect{\noexpand\protect\noexpand}\xdef\@disclaimer{\protect\unmarkedfootnote{#1}}\endgroup} \def\otherdisclaimer#1{\gdef\@otherdisclaimer{#1}} % abstract is a figure so it can float to next page if needed \def\abstract#1{\gdef\@abstract{#1}} % code to build the title page \def\maketitle{ % calculate skip needed to ensure that title appears in the cut-out \newlength{\@cutoutvskip} \setlength{\@cutoutvskip}{2.18750truein} % position of cut-out \addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-1truein} % printer margin \addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-\topmargin} \addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-\headheight} \addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-\headsep} \newcounter{savetotal} \setcounter{savetotal}{\value{totalnumber}} \begin{titlepage} \let\footnoterule\relax \vglue\@cutoutvskip \begin{center} \begin{minipage}[t]{4.75in} % must be a minipage due to \thanks \vbox to 2in{ %\vfill \begin{center} {\Large\bf \strut \@title\par} \vfill {\large\bf \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author\end{tabular}\par} \medskip {\@date\par} {\sc \@trnumber\par} \end{center} \vfill} \end{minipage} \end{center} \vskip 3em \begin{center} School of Computer Science \\ Carnegie Mellon University \\ Pittsburgh, PA 15213 \end{center} \par \vskip 1.5em \ifCMUTP@thesis \begin{center} {\bf Thesis Committee:}\\ \@committee \end{center} \par \vskip 1.5em \begin{center} \em Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements\\ for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy \end{center} \par \fi \@citationinfo % these are footnotes; abstract must appear afterwards \@thanks \@support \@ifundefined{@disclaimer}{\relax}{\@disclaimer} \ifCMUTP@thesis \relax \else \setcounter{totalnumber}{0} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} {\bf Abstract} \end{center} \@abstract \end{figure} \par \fi \@copyrightnotice \end{titlepage} \setcounter{totalnumber}{\value{savetotal}} \setcounter{page}{2} {\pagestyle{empty}\vspace*{\fill}{\bf Keywords:} \@keywords\clearpage} % flush abstract if it floated; make sure text starts on a facing page \setcounter{footnote}{0} \setcounter{figure}{0} \ifCMUTP@thesis {\pagestyle{empty} \vspace*{50\p@}% \begin{center} {\bf Abstract} \end{center} \@abstract \cleardoublepage} \@ifundefined{@dedication}{}{% {\pagestyle{empty} \vspace*{50\p@}% \begin{center} \em \@dedication \end{center} \cleardoublepage}} \@ifundefined{@acknowledgments}{}{% \chapter*{Acknowledgments}\markboth{ACKNOWLEDGMENTS}{ACKNOWLEDGMENTS} \@acknowledgments} \else {\pagestyle{empty} \ifthenelse{\isodd{\value{page}}}{}{\ \newpage} \clearpage \setcounter{page}{1}} \fi \let\support\relax\gdef\@support{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\gdef\@trnumber{}\gdef\@citationinfo{}\gdef\@copyrightnotice{}\gdef\@shortabstract{}\gdef\@longabstract{}\let\maketitle\relax} \ifCMUTP@thesis \renewenvironment{theindex} {\if@twocolumn \@restonecolfalse \else \@restonecoltrue \fi \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35\p@ \chapter{\indexname} \thispagestyle{plain}\parindent\z@ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax \let\item\@idxitem} {\if@restonecol\onecolumn\else\clearpage\fi} \fi