Institute for Software Research International
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
NetIntel: A Database for Manipulation of
Rich Social Network Data
Maksim Tsvetovat, Jana Diesner, Kathleen M. Carley
February 2005
Keywords: Database, Social Networks
There is a pressing need to automatically collect data on social
systems as rich network data, analyze such systems to find hidden
relations and groups, prune the datasets to locate regions of
interest, locate key actors, characterize the structure, locate
points of vulnerability, and simulate change in a system as it
evolves naturally or in response to strategic interventions over
time or under certain impacts, including modification of data.
To meet this challenge, we need to develop a new mechanism for
storing and manipulating social structure data. Social structure
data will be stored in a relational database capable of manipulating
large quantities of data. The database shall have advanced query
capabilities (both SQL and procedural), as well as stored procedure
and trigger capabilities. The database is structured to preserve
the character and integrity of the data in an extensible manner,
and is extended with a number of functions specifically designed
for manipulating graph-based data.
26 pages