Institute for Software Research International
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
DyNetML: Interchange Format for Rich Social Network Data
Maksim Tsvetovat, Jeff Reminga, Kathleen M. Carley
January 2004
Institute for Software Research International (ISRI)
Center for Computational Analaysis of Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS)
Keywords: Social networks, data interchange, rich data, XML, DTD
We define a universal data interchange format to enable exchange of
rich social network data and improve compatibility of analysis and
visualization tools. DyNetML is an XML-derived language that
provides means to express rich social network data. DyNetML also
provides an extensible facility for link- ing anthropological,
process description and other data with social networks. DyNetML
has been implemented and in use by the CASOS group at Carnegie
Mellon University as a data interchange format. We have also
implemented parsing and conversion software for interoperability
with other software packages.
24 pages