Institute for Software Research International
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
AutoMap 1.2 - Extract, Analyze, Represent,
and Computer Mental Models from Texts
Jana Diesner, Kathleen M. Carley
January 2004
Institute for Software Research International (ISRI)
Center for Computational Analaysis of Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS)
Keywords: Text analysis, network text analysis, computer-supported
text analysis, machine coding, content analysis, maps
AutoMap1.2 is a network text analysis tool that extracts, analyzes,
represents, and compares mental models from texts. Network text analysis
is a specific text analysis method that encodes links between words
in a text and builds a network of the linked words.
Computational analysis of networks pulled out of textual data
is a growing area of research for the following reasons:
- The large and still growing number of electronically available
texts requires the investigation of appropriate methods and tools
to analyze large scale collections of texts effectively and efficiently.
- Today's communication theories are oriented towards complex,
large-scale systems, and therefore require methods that provide
multi-level access to the meaning of textual data.
AutoMap helps users to analyze textual data according to
the current requirements.
30 pages