Institute for Software Research
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Capturing Location-Privacy Preferences:
Quantifying Accuracy and User-Burden Tradeoffs
Michael Benisch, Patrick Gage Kelley,
Norman Sadeh, Lorrie Faith Cranor
March 2010
Keywords: Expressiveness, usable privacy, location sharing,
web services, social networking, mechanism design
We present a three-week user study in which we tracked the locations of
27 subjects and asked them to rate when, where, and with whom they would
have been comfortable sharing their locations. The results of analysis
conducted on over 7,500 hours of data suggest that the user population
represented by our subjects has rich location-privacy preferences, with
a number of critical dimensions, including time of day, day of week, and
location. We describe a methodology for quantifying the effects, in terms
of accuracy and amount of information shared, of privacy-setting types with
differing levels of complexity (e.g., setting types that allow users to
specify location- and/or time-based rules). Using the detailed preferences
we collected, we identify the best possible policy (or collection of rules
granting access to one's location) for each subject and privacy-setting type.
We measure the accuracy with which the resulting policies are able to capture
our subjects' privacy preferences under a variety of assumptions about the
sensitivity of the information and user-burden tolerance. One practical
implication of our results is that today's location sharing applications may
have failed to gain much traction due to their limited privacy settings, as
they appear to be ineffective at capturing the preferences revealed by our
45 pages