Institute for Software Research International
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Detailed Analysis of Team Movement and Communication
Affecting Team Performance in the America s Army Game
Il-Chul Moon, Kathleen M. Carley, Mike Schneider, Oleg Shigiltchoff
July 2005
Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems
CASOS Technical Report
Keywords: Organization theory, computational organization theory,
dynamic social network, computer simulation, computer game,
America's Army
We conducted the second data analysis with a new game log record dataset
and focused on what the optimal team structure is in terms of
communication and movement. We utilized regression analyses and
correspondence analyses to make the optimal network, and we identified
several important features of optimal networks from those analyses.
Furthermore we coded "Network Fitter" and used it to make a computer
program figure out the most effective team organization. From the
fitting result, we could obtain five optimal movement networks and
five optimal communication networks. Among them, we found out that
a dense movement network with two sub graphs and a long-chain shaped
communication network would make casualty lower without damaging the
deadliness of a team. After identifying the optimal movement networks
and communication networks, we applied the findings from the analyses
to the real world and made three recommendations on training squad
level unit, constructing effective TTP, and configuring an optimal
squad unit.
62 pages