@device(postscript) @libraryfile(Mathematics10) @libraryfile(Accents) @style(fontfamily=timesroman,fontscale=11) @pagefooting(immediate, left "@c", center "@c", right "@c") @heading(Approximation of Graphical Probabilistic Models by Iterative Dynamic Discretization and its Application to Time-Series Segmentation) @heading(CMU-CS-96-166) @center(@b(Lonnie Dale Chrisman)) @center(September 1996 - Ph.D. Thesis) @center(FTP: Unavailable) @blankspace(1) @begin(text) Most artificial intelligence applications must cope with uncertainty. Recent developments with graphical probabilistic models such as Bayesian networks have introduced useful methods for reasoning explicitly about degrees of uncertainty. This thesis explores a method called @i(iterative dynamic discretization) for approximating probabilistic inference in graphical networks. Continuous variables (or variables with enormous sample spaces) are replaced by discrete variables with a small number of possible values, and then the simplified discrete model is solved using exact propagation methods. The results of this computation are then used to find an improved discretization for the problem instance, and the process is iterated. The algorithm can be viewed as applying Gibbs sampling to the space of possible discretizations, obtaining a method for combining stochastic simulation methods with exact propagation. Alternatively, it can be viewed as an instance of approximate iterative knowledge-based model construction (KBMC). The thesis applies iterative dynamic discretization to a model-based time-series segmentation problem. A formalism for modeling qualitative signal shapes, durations, transitions, and uncertainty in multi-dimensional time series, called a Hidden Segmented Semi-Markov Model (HSSMM), is introduced and used to define a probabilistic model for the time-series segmentation task. This is converted to a graphical probabilistic model and solved by iterative dynamic discretization. Iterative dynamic discretization is found to require substantially fewer iterations compared to Gibbs sampling. @blankspace(2line) @begin(transparent,size=10) @b(Keywords:@ )@c