@device(postscript) @libraryfile(Mathematics10) @libraryfile(Accents) @style(fontfamily=timesroman,fontscale=11) @pagefooting(immediate, left "@c", center "@c", right "@c") @heading(Anonymous Atomic Transactions) @heading(CMU-CS-96-156) @center(@b(Jean Camp@foot, Michael Harkavy, J.Doug Tygar, Bennet Yee@foot)) @center(July 1996) @center(FTP: CMU-CS-96-156.ps) @blankspace(1) @begin(text) We show here an example of a protocol that satisfies anonymity properties while providing strong ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, durable) transactional properties, resolving an open question. Blinded signatures are used to certify an anonymous asymmetric key which authorizes the use of a specified value. A public transaction log is used to support a linear commitment scheme for transactions in which the value authorized by the blind signed key is spent. @blankspace(2line) @begin(transparent,size=10) @b(Keywords:@ )@c @end(transparent) @blankspace(1line) @end(text) @flushright(@b[(18 pages)])