@device(postscript) @libraryfile(Mathematics10) @libraryfile(Accents) @style(fontfamily=timesroman,fontscale=11) @pagefooting(immediate, left "@c", center "@c", right "@c") @heading(Properties of a Family of Parallel Finite Element Simulations) @heading(CMU-CS-96-141) @center(@b(David R. O'Hallaron, Jonathan R. Shewchuk)) @center(December 1996) @center(FTP: CMU-CS-96-141.ps) @blankspace(1) @begin(text) This report characterizes a family of unstructured 3D finite element simulations that are partitioned for execution on a parallel system. The simulations, which estimate earthquake-induced ground motion in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California, range in size from 10,000@y(M)1,000,000 nodes and are partitioned for execution on 4@y(M)128 processors. The purpose of the report is to help researchers better understand the properties of unstructured tetrahedral finite element meshes and the sparse matrix vector product (SMVP) operations that are induced from them. The report is designed to serve as a comprehensive reference that researchers can consult for answers to the following kinds of questions: For a tetrahedral mesh with a particular number of nodes, how many elements and edges does it have? What is the distribution of node degrees in a tetrahedral mesh? What fraction of nodes in a partitioned mesh are interface nodes? What is the communication volume in a typical parallel SMVP? How many messages are there? How big are the messages? How many nonzeros are contained in the rows of a sparse matrices induced from tetrahedral meshes? The partitioned meshes described in the paper are available electronically. @blankspace(2line) @begin(transparent,size=10) @b(Keywords:@ )@c @end(transparent) @blankspace(1line) @end(text) @flushright(@b[(22 pages)])