CMU-CS-23-115 Computer Science Department School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
On Algorithms for Weighted Low Rank Approximation Yucheng Dai M.S. Thesis May 2023
In this thesis we consider the Weighted Low Rank Approximation problem. For an m × n matrix A, we give a row-sampling algorithm algorithm running in O(nnz(A)log n+(m+n) ⋅ poly(log n, k, 1/w, 1/ε, 1/κ(A))) time, where all weights in the weight matrix are within a ratio of 1/w, κ (A) denotes the condition number of matrix A, and nnz(A) denotes the number of non-zero entries of A. Our algorithm is bicriteria, and outputs a matrix of rank O(k2 ⁄ w2ε2κ2(A)) and achieves a multiplicative (1 + ε)-approximation to the cost of the best rank-κ matrix. Compared to prior work of Bhaskara et al. (PMLR, 2021), our algorithm achieves multiplicative rather than additive error, outputs a low rank approximation with right factor corresponding to an actual subset of rows of A, has leading order term in the running time of nnz(A) rather than at least nnz(A) ⋅ κ/ε2, and has the same bicriteria rank in the worst case. We also show the 1/ω factor is necessary in the bicriteria rank of any row subset selection algorithm.
34 pages
Thesis Committee:
Srinivasan Seshan, Head, Computer Science Department
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