Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


OpenStack++ for Cloudlet Deployment

Kiryong Ha, Mahadev Satyanarayanan

August 2015


Keywords: Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Cloudlets, Virtual Machines, OpenStack, Open-Stack++, Virtual Machine, VM, VM Provisioining, VM Hand-off

The notion of cloudlet is getting widely accepted from both academia and industry. However, the development of the cloudlet faces a classic bootstrapping problem. It needs practical applications to incentivize cloudlet deployment while developers cannot heavily rely on a cloudlet infrastructure until they are widely deployed. To provide a systematic way to expedite cloudlet deployment, I implemented OpenStack++ that extends OpenStack, an open source ecosystem for cloud computing. In this work, I present design decisions to efficiently integrate cloudlets with OpenStack and show implementation details for VM provisioning and handoff. Finally, I explain how I resolved practical challenges for the cloudlet porting.

24 pages

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