Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Beyond Desktop Management:
Scaling Task Management in Space and Time
João Pedro Sousa, David Garlan
August 2004
Keywords: Task management, desktop management, ubiquitous computing,
software archit-cture, task-oriented computing, everyday computing,
self-configurable systems, adaptive systems, modeling user preferences,
utility-based adaptation, resource-adaptive applications
Computers support more and more daily activities for common users,
and users increasingly take their activities to different locations.
Rather than being bound to a specific device, users would like to take
full advantage of the computer systems accessible to them, much like
they take advantage of the furniture in each physical space. However,
user attention takes a heavy toll when scaling the use of computers to
tasks that are constantly interrupted and resumed, and that span many
locations and long periods. In this report we describe an
infrastructure that provides users with easy access to their tasks as a
logical unit, across multiple devices, and over time spans of years.
The infrastructure handles platform and application heterogeneity, as
well as dynamic adaptation to resource variations. We validate that the
infrastructure's overhead is small compared to normal application
startup, and that the approach scales.
20 pages