Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Segway CMBalance Robot Soccer Player
Jeremy Searock, Brett Browning, Manuela Veloso
May 2004
Keywords: Games, mobile manipulation, mobile robots
The Segway" LLC company has provided a robust mobility platform
on which to research human/robot coordination in an adversarial
environment. The Segway Human Transport (HT) is a one person
dynamically self-balancing transportation vehicle. The Segway
Robot Mobility Platform (RMP) is a modification of the Human
Transporter capable of being programmed for autonomous operation.
With these platforms, human/robot coordination is being investigated
through the competitive game, Segway Soccer. The game is played
between robots (RMPs) and humans (riding HTs), who can be teammates
or opponents. The rules of the game are a combination of soccer and
ultimate Frisbee rules. This paper describes the design of the
mechanical systems necessary to allow the Segway RMP to safely and
effectively play a competitive game of Segway Soccer along with
humans. Specifically, the challenge of designing a soccer ball
manipulation/kicking system is described in depth.
17 pages