2002 Theses by Author
Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Please see abstracts for all citations/formats related to each thesis.

BEREZIN, Sergey CMU-CS-02-100

DAVIES, Scott CMU-CS-02-138

ECKHARDT, David A. CMU-CS-02-141

LANGFORD, John CMU-CS-02-147

MAHAMUD, Shyjan CMU-CS-02-161

MATEAS, Michael CMU-CS-02-206

MILLER, Robert C. CMU-CS-02-134

MOLL, Mark CMU-CS-02-157

NARAYANAN, Dushyanth CMU-CS-02-168

PANE, John F. CMU-CS-02-127

ROHDE, Douglas L.T. CMU-CS-02-105

SLATTERY, Sean CMU-CS-02-142

UTHER, William T.B. CMU-CS-02-169

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